sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2023

2º ESO Bilingual Programme. Curso 2023-2024

 Welcome to a new year. 


Mario Fernández´s front page

We started our lessons relaxing in class and listening to the sound around us. 

Vera´s drawing

And we worked about Noise Pollution with a test and looking for information about this problem. 

Mario Fernández´s drawing

Pablo Jaramago´s drawing


During next lessons we watched a film, August Rush and dealt with music in movies. 

Angie´s drawing

The art of Foley: The magic of making sounds

Marcos Alías´drawing


We started to play the recorder. No more that 10 minutes in class. No more that 5 minutes at home, please. Try not to disturb your family, please!.

La polca.

Danza del fuego

Sombras chinescas


Los esqueletos


We started to prepare our visit to the exhibition about Alfonso X el Sabio studying about Medieval Instruments. 

Marcos´drawing: "Brass castanets"

Manuela´s drawings

And finally we started to study the history of music from the beggining:

Mario Fernández´s drawing

Jorge Acero´s drawing

Manuela´s drawing

Pablo Jaramago´s drawing

Abraham Cupeiro´s videos: 

The music during the Middle Ages
We studied the music during The Middle Ages using videos and the music book.

Link to the Middle Ages in this blog

Religious music

Javier Villanueva´s drawing
Vera Tato´s drawing

Angie´s picture

Paula Caraballo´s Gregorian score

Blanca Moralo´s summary 

Cecilia Carrillo´s picture

Javier Villanueva´s summary
Irene´s drawing

Pablo Jaramago´s drawing

In order to work the origin of the names of the notes, we performed a play about a moment in the life of Guido d´Arezzo, you know, he invented a system to solfege ( "solmisation") and named the notes as we know them today from a hymn dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.

2º CD

Angie Al Watar´s picture

Finally, we watched three videos about the most important female composer in religious and medieval music: HILDEGARD VON BINGEN

Paola Hernández´s picture

Zapata habla de Hildegard von Bingen, la heroína antimachista
La música de HIldegard von Bingen

Secular music during the Middle Ages

Trobadours, jongleurs, minnesanger

Alfonso X
Martin Codax

Cantigas de Santa Maria

Santa Maria Strela do dia
Quen a omagen

And we studied goliards. 

We studied Carmina Burana playing "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi" by Carl Orff

Do you want to know who goliards were? 
In taberna quando sumus ( from Medieval Carmina Burana) 

The origin of polyphonic music

Ars Antiqua 
( Leonin and Perotin)
Ars Nova
( Guillaume de Machaut)

Finally, we learnt to use Audacity, a free software to produce an audio as a podcast to study The Middle Ages in present -day music. 

Link to the folder in drive to hear all the productions. 
(Audios produced by the teacher with some of the best minipodcasts). 

The music during Renaissance Period

A nice introduction ( by Angie Al Wattar)

We studied the Renaissance instruments, the main contents to know the Musical Renaissance and started to analyse a piece of music. 

Baroque period: 

Link to the website we used to study this period. 

We recorded a short script, a dialogue between Bach and a girl, leonor, who traveled to the Baroque period,  integrating pieces of music composed by Bach to know his music. 

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