lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023

1º ESO Bilingual Programme. 2023-2024.

 Welcome to a new year. 


We started our year singing and dancing different African songs. 


Funga alafia

Inmediately after we learnt a famous pop song, "We will rock you", danced with a special choreography. 


LINK to the list of adjectives to speak about the character of a piece of music

And then, we learnt different pieces of music about "The Planets". 

And we listened to a symphonic work, "The Planets" by Gustav Holst. 

1. Mars 2. Venus 3. Mercury 4. Jupiter 5. Saturn 6.Uranus 7. Neptune

After all these activities, a video was produced in Science and Music. 


And finally we started to play the recorder with simple melodies: La polca, danza del fuego, Sombras chinescas and Los esqueletos. 

We studied the names of the notes with Do, re , mi, from The sound of music and took notes from the music book. 

2nd trimester

We worked about New Year´s concert and then, we prepared the concert: En busca del instrumento perdido. 

A video to remind the choreography we danced in class about Radetzky March ( polka step). 

Material to prepare our concert. 
We studied the families of the symphonic orchestra with some videos: 

And we started to play the ukelele with two videos: 

We´ll go to a concert the 14th of February to Palacio de Congresos. 

Third trimester: 
We studied all related to human voice. 

Volunteer activity:  ( one extra point) 
Watch this film: Boychoir

We played different pieces of music with our ukeleles. 

Wimoweh in C

The voice

Ana Domínguez´s drawings
Juan Amador´s summary

Genres and types of music

Daniela Quirante´s summary 

We reviewed pieces of every type of music: 

Classical music: 

Canon by Pachelbel

"Zadok the priest" by Haendel

Champions league anthem ( cultured music, functional music)

Pop and light music: 

"Memories" by Maroon 5

Viva la vida

Folk music: 

Estrellita dónde estás

Twinkle, twinkle star ( accompanied melody)Twinkle, twinkle star ( accompanied melody)

Un elefante se balanceaba

Yonder come day



Funga alafia

Jazz music

Oh when the saints

This little light of mine


The musical keyboard

Finally we studied the notes in a keyboard, natural, sharps and flats. 

We finished the year playing all the pieces of msic we learnt and evaluating our lessons. 
Have a nice holidays and thank you for your effort during the year. 

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