Do you want to see more drawings?
Link . 1st trimester
2nd trimester.
1-My name is...
2- Basic materials and basic behaviour to get a good mark:
a) The journal and the recorder.
b) Motivation to parcipate and colaborate in the music classroom playing, singing, dancing, reading the book , etc.
Introducing ourselves with different sentences:
I´d like to introduce you to the great...
Your life won´t be the same after meeting the great...
We sang " Do, re, mi" and played with boomwhackers different melodies.
We read page 11, which deals with the staff, ledger lines and the names of the musical notes in English.
Homework: Don´t forget to bring the recorder next lesson and bring a score if we want to play special songs or pieces of music.
We sang "We Will Rock You" dancing a special choreography.
Homework: Learn by heart the first verse.
Bring a special song for you and analize its verses and choruses.
Don´t forget the recorder next week.
Do you want to watch the video about the parts of a song again?
You can go over the parts of a song with more videos about this topic.
We learnt the second verse of We wil rock you and played "La polka" with the recorder. It was our first day playing the recorder.
Do you want to see the score?
We learnt the whole song: We will rock you.
We went over all the songs we sang in the last month.
And perhaps we listened to some pop songs.
Writing and analyzing songs in an exam.
16/10- 18/10

We sang "Happy" by Pharrell, one of the most known pop songs.
What´s the treble clef? It´s useful to write the highest pitched notes on a staff.
What´s the bass clef?It´s useful to write the lowest pitched notes on a staff.
We played the recorder conducted by a student.
We danced "Movskovskaya", a Russian popular song composed by a very important music teacher, Mr Wytack. He invented a song with vodka brands. Oh my God!
Our favourite songs.
The week of the 22nd to the 26th of October
We worked on note values.
We sang a new African song: "Paketume", with a simple choreography.
Many students handed in their pop songs to be analised in class.
The teacher wrote a list of these songs.
Next week all these songs will be collected again because the students must analise the parts of them.
The week of the 29th to the 31st of October
We listened to one of the song chosen by the students.
What I´m listening ( name of the song, name of the composer...)
What I´m feeling ( word, idea, my favourite sentence) ( What colour does it evoke? Choose a symbol for the song, What image comes to mind?)
What I´m wondering ( Unknown vocabulary, meaning of colloquial expressions, how to pronounce some words)
The week of the 5th to the 9th of November
We started to prepare the concert we´re going the 21st of November
We listened diferent pieces of music and played some melodies with the recorder.
We played "Ode to Joy" by Beethoven guessing who were playing ( we realised that every students plays the recorder with their special timbre).
Homework: Listen to the different pieces we´re going to hear in "Clásicos Excéntricos" and write all the answer in the table you were given in the class.
The week of the 12th to the 16th of November
We continued working on pieces of music we were going to hear in Clásicos Excéntricos:
Ave María, by Franz Schubert.
We described the character using this list of adjectives in the table we were given.

The week of the 19th to the 23rd of November
Saint´s Cecilia

Do you want to know more about clowns? LInk about types of clowns

We did one activity to feel the tempo: Try to count sixty seconds on your own to yourself.
A metronome on line
We worked on TEMPO ( the speed in music)
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Clara´s drawing about TEMPO |
We played with the recorder "Can Can" by Offenbach in some groups and "Frére Jacques" in other groups.
Summary about dynamics and tempo
Eduardo Holguín played his flute in class.
Champions League anthem
Information about this anthem
How to evaluate ourselves?
Look at this matrix
The week of the 10th to the 14 of December
We played a famous Christmas carol, Silent Night ( "Noche de Paz") with the recorder. It was composed in 1818, two hundred years ago. It´s its birthday!
We´ll finish playing ostinatos with two Christmas carols, Jingle Bell Rock, The Twelve days of Christmas and What a wonderful world.
We wrote a list with Christmas carols in Spanish and English and pop, jazz and classical music for Christmas.
Last days I took some photos and videos.
We learnt this rhythm on last Thursday: "ritmo de las panaderas". We sang a Spanish Christmas carol at the same time: "Ya viene la vieja".
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
New contents in the New Year
New Year Concert
The voice
The orchestra
A summary about Musical Language.
Carnivals ( "Murgas")
Preparing the Olimpics Ceremony in our School.
Second term

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Pablo Moralo´s journal |
Dancing the Blue Danube
Learning the waltz step
First lessons: LINK
We were studying Vienna New Year´s concert, looking for information about the Vienna Philarmonic Orchestra and its New Year´s concert, generating QR codes with our favourites videos and web pages, web sites, reading and writing exercises about the main vocabulary related to this topic,dancing, drawing and listening to its typical encores ( "bises").
We wrote some exercises in pairs about New Year´s concert in Vienna.
We colourd the Blue Danube:
Lucas and Félix paintings
Drawing while students were listening to Perpetuum Mobile, by Johann Strauss Jr.
Eduardo Holguín´s drawing |

New topic: The piano. The keyboard.

Virtual piano
Another one virtual piano
We started to study the name of the notes in a musical keyboard. Then, we played Happy Birthday.

Do you want to know them much better?
All the students wrote an exam about the piano keyboard, intervals beetwen black and white keys and notes.
Definitely, next year we have to explain much better these contents.

All these activities and feeling were written in our journals.

Next week we played other pieces of music with the recorder.
We accompanied the recorders with xylophones and metalophones.
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Jesús´s drawing |
- Don´t forget to review the guide to write the journal.
We watched a video with a beautiful song and we sang it and played it looking at the screen in class.
Sing, by Gary Barlow and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
We used this link to learn much more about the human voice. LINK
1- Create a choreography with some classmates. It´s not compulsory but it´s a good way to have a good mark.
During two weeks, three groups were rehearsing a choreography the second breaks in Music room.
The students were excited thinking in the performance closed to the river bank during our Olympics Games ( Erasmus Plus- European Olympics)
2- Before Carnivals students will compose a "murga", a parody with well known and famous songs.
Students composed funny lyrics in Spanish to celebrate Carnivals.
We analised different aspects in all the performances:
We worked in Spanish during these lessons.
We were writing our marks.
We were playing some songs with the recorder.
20th of March: Our Olympic Game close to the Guadiana
We went for a walk to the other side of Guadiana river.
21st of March
We played a song with the recorder.
Then we conducted this piece of music in a quadruple time moving our arms as all the conductors usually do and acompanied the music playing an "ostinato" ( a rhythm that is repeated continuosly) with body percussion.
Finally, the teacher showed an interesting doodle on the aniversary of the birth of Johann Sebastian Bach.
He was born the 21st of March, 1685.
News in La Vanguardia
Doodle de Bach
We learnt how to draw a banner to develop our "Visual Thinking" and how to draw the human body with stick figures.
Lucas´ portfolio |
Next week we were working on solfege, practising rhythm ( duple and triple time signature) in groups.
Some students enjoyed drum kit.
Lucas´portfolio |
Musiqueando 2019
Third trimester
We started our music lessons celebrating Book day and Dance day.
We used four lessons to prepare a short performance mixing Dance, Music and Literature.
We expressed with body language, mime, movements, gestures, dance one of the most favourite books. We performed in groups short choreographies about some of them.
The rest of the students had to guess the name of the books looking at these choreographies ( in Largo, Adagio, as in the moon, Andante or in Alegro or Presto).
Some of the performances were very funny. Some of them were beautiful. Everyone participated as performer or audience.
Then, students became composers and finally we´ll record the great and best performances.
You can see and listen to some compositions.
1- Students wrote an exam about how to read music:
A document about this video:Click the LINK
2- Another video to get an extra point:
Ask your teacher for the document to answer the questions:
Or Click the link to get the document

A Volunteer Activity:
-" Read "El asesinato del profesor de Música", de Serra i Fabra".
The last lessons:
-One day we studied with a special game: LECTURA COMPARTIDA
-Europe Day:the 9th of May: We played the Europe Anthem and sang in Spanish.
-We went over / reviewied some pieces of music played with recorders:
-Every student could play the piece of music they chose.
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Eduardo Holguìn |
1º E played Los esqueletos
-We studied the voice and the structure of the song.
Students wrote an exam about this topic.

They evaluated the journal activity.

Every group spoke in Spanish. They presented their conclusions and enjoyed the journals of some of their classmates.
Mª José´s conclusions
Would you like to review the rubric to evaluate your portfolio or journal?

Los mejores diarios en 1º A y B fueron los de Esmeralda y Mercedes. Enhorabuena.
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We reviewed the song´s structure and speaking about crisis climate with Earth Song by Michael Jackson.
Students wrote an exam about this song:
Going over what´s beat, notes values and time signature in Spanish with an interesting video.
Other song to say goodbye.
Other activities:
Recording messages for Mª Jesús Alfaro.
Some students recorded little videos to tell Luis Moreno "Thank you indeed and Farewell".
Thanks for your work.
Mª José de Vega Elías.
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