lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Diario de actividades 2º ESO Música. Curso 2018-2019.

Diario de clase de 2º de ESO, sección bilingüe


1- Did you think about Music Lessons this summer? Why?
2- Basic materials.
3- We watched the  "Earth Song" video, by Michael Jackson.
  Homework: Working on unknown vocabulary to write an exam next day.

Carmela´s picture

The students took an exam about "Earth Song", by Michael Jackson. 


The teacher handed out the exams. 
We talked about the mistakes in the exam and worked through any doubts.
Finally,all the students presented their homework about Michael Jackson´s biography and explained it to their partners and then handed them in to the teacher.

4- Exam about  Earth song

Carmela´s picture

The teacher played different videos about the parts of a song in order to go over this topic.
The students listened  to "We Are the World" by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson, and looked for the meaning the words they did not know.
Homework: Print a song you like and analyse its parts, its message, character and rhythm. 

We were quiet so that we could  hear all the sounds around us.
We started watching a movie, August Rush.
The students could read a guide to analyse the movie.
Homework: The students were instructed to compose a leitmotiv , a music, about one of these ideas:
- A horse is galloping
- A child is swinging
--A sunrise
- A ghost in a castle
´-Waves in the sea

We watched the movie and listened to some songs with an important message for us.
We listened to the melodies composed by some students. 

Carmela´s drawing

We watched the last part of August Rush.
We studied the differences between classical music, pop music and popular music.
Interesting link about this topic.

We played the recorder.
We watched the last part of the movie August Rush.

We worked on rhythm in groups and wrote lyrics  for it.
We composed music for a terror film in groups.

We watched a video about music in terror movies in Haloween.
Jaime Altozano -Halloween

Foley Effects

Another video about Foley effects
Another one

We worked on reading and writing music watching some videos.
Look for the videos in this webpage.

The last activities of the month

We started to compose a symphonic poem in groups using the leitmotivs we composed some weeks ago and new melodies.


Una película será nuestra inspiración para trabajar distintos temas este primer trimestre

2-Trabajo en grupo sobre los tipos de música.
3- Vídeos que hemos trabajado en clase: 

4-Elige entre una de estas 3 tareas: 
4.1- Contesta las preguntas de esta página sobre el vídeo siguiente:

4.2-  Redacta 5 preguntas sobre el vídeo siguiente: How to read music in five minutes

4.3- Busca un vídeo motivador para aprender sobre la lectura o la escritura musical, en español o en inglés y preséntalo con su código QR.

5-Investigo sobre el leitmotiv: 
El leitmotiv es un tema musical que representa un personaje, un ambiente, una situación, una emoción concretos. 

Elige un vídeo de Jaime Altozano y haz un comentario del mismo 

Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos

 This is the drawing of one of our students. You can see them composing their symphonic poem

7-Musical critique about "Creatura", a show mixed with circus, poetry and music.
Guide to writing a critique about a performance.


Review everything we have worked on and learn analyzing the movie August Rush.  

8- Repasa las rúbricas que nos ayudan a ver la evolución en el trimestre.
Review the matrix to appreciate our improvements. 
Rúbrica 1
Rúbrica 2
Rúbrica 3

9- Evaluación de los alumnos del trimestre
Students´ evaluations of the first trimester on the blackboard.
Some  songs to say "Goodbye" and "Merry Christmas".

2nd term


We started to review different choreographies from last year:
1-Radetzky March by Johann Strauss.

2- We will rock you by Queen ( because we will dance to  it in March for  the European Olympics in Moñino High School)

My colleague, Beatriz , worked with the bilingual groups  the very old ancient music (music in Greece and Rome) in Spanish.

Arianna´s notes

Alba´s notes

Homework: Read the first part of this book: "Historia de la música en comic"

We wrote an exam in pairs after reading the first part of "Historia de la música en comic".

LINK. Greek and Roman Music

LAST WEEKS: Week of 21st of January

We spoke about music in the Middle Ages.

What´s your main idea about music in this period?
Have you got any questions about music in the Middle Ages?

Homework: Try to make parched paper, paper with an old appearance. Video

The teacher explained how the tetragram appeared and the different styles in Gregorian chant.

We lit candles with matches as though we were in a monastery.

We learnt "Puer Natus in Bethelem" and the hymn "Ut queant laxis"

LINK. Middle Ages. 

Week of 28th of January

2º A-B
We recorded a Gregorian chant in the sound studio with the teachers and students from the sound course.

Thanks to all the teachers ( Celia and Fran)  and students who worked on this recording.

The next day we were singing a rap about Gregorian chant.



The teacher considered  the following task to write the marks:

1- Look for an interesting video about music in the Middle Ages.

2- Write the names of the notes in a Medieval tetragram.

3- Sing a Gregorian chant with your classmates.

4-Answer the questions about the video.

5- Analyse a Medieval piece of music colaborating with some classmates.

6-Paint a Rose window for a Gothic cathedral

Pablo Márquez´s Rose window

Safae´s drawing

7-Reproduce a Medieval score.
Elena Santervás reproduced this beautiful plainchant

Raúl Vega reproduced this religious chant imitating the Medieval notation

Adriana´s score

8- Write a summary about the lesson related to Middle Ages in your old papers.
Irene´s journal

Secular music: Alfonso 10th the Wise ( Alfonso X el Sabio)

We played two Cantigas by Alfonso 10th the Wise

Don´t forget to review the Middle Ages ´s link.

LINK. Middle Ages. 

Other interesting activities:
Pablo´s drawing


-Recording a pop song with student´s belonging to "Ciclo Superior de Sonido".

Safae´s drawing

Elena Santervás´s drawing

The last part of the Middle Ages: 

Reading the book

Playing and singing "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi"



One of the groups ( 2º C-D) played this piece of music acompanied by a cover we found on Youtube.

In order to feel the feelings of the joglars and troubadours, students were asked to play, sing or dance for an audience.

Carmen y Victoria sang a beautiful song
Carmela played the piano

Candela sang "Moon River"
Daniel Casaseca told us a joke
Congratulations to all the students who prepared a performance for their classmates. 

Reviewing journals


We prepared the American student´s welcome

Extremadura Hymn
Other songs for soloists.

18th of March: Writing the marks. 

Explaining the contrapunctual poliphonic music:

PLAY: Leonor´s baton


We reviewed the work from last trimester, writing the most and least interesting activities.

We are going to prepare Leonor´s Baton to perform it at the end of the year. Because of this, we needed to study the different jobs belonging to an opera or drama company.

Every student chose a job.

Stage manager

 Producer manager

Test about  some of the different jobs in a theatre or opera company: 15th of May



Do you want to review the "Branle des Chevaux"?

Ay linda amiga, villancico del Cancionero de Palacio, en 2º CD

The groups started working again  in April.

Probably  every group will perform Leonor´s Baton at the end of May


Alba´s journal


Costume designers
The production manager, the stage manager and public relations officers wrote a plan:

Thanks for your contribution during class.

Musiqueando 2019 (12th of April)


Happy Easter to all!!!!

Preparing Scenography for LEONOR´S BATON, a play to learn about the  History of Music

 2ºA B

Safae belongs to production team and she wrote the activity of the rest of the groups
2º C D


Elena´s design


Students wrote an exam about jobs related to a theatre company.

They are preparing a podcast about the Baroque period with pieces composed by J.S.Bach.

Lucía Crespillo´s drawing

Carmela´s drawing

Monday 20th of May
Podcast with students from 2ºA-B

Podcast with students from 2º C-D

James Rhodes and Bach. The inner self.

This is opera:

We looked for our favourite classical pieces of music: 

What is your favourite piece of music belonging to the great composers in the History of Music? 

Baroque period 





Romanticism : Thaikovsky

Chopin. Nocturno 2, opus 9

Lucas Jiménez played a romantic piece of music

Johann Strauss. Radetzky March

 Eduard Grieg

 20th century

Ludovico Einaudi


Links about the periods we´re studying on this blog.

Middle Ages

Volunteer homework:  Review the links and videos in this blog and indicate which is best, in your opinion.

We presented our journals:

On the 17th of June we will perform Leonor´s Baton during the last period.

17th of June of 2019
Leaflet- It was produced by Africa Villaverde and Marina Garrote ( Public Relations team )



Last day: Scape room with Beatriz.

Do you want to evaluate your journal?

You can get your mark looking at the next link:

Thank you for your work.
I wish you a very good summer.

Mª José de Vega Elías. 

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